Telefonaut is new to the European market, bringing a unique and tasteful way to record your wedding memories in the form of voice messages.
Simply put, it is an answering machine. Before the wedding, you can easily record your own welcome message into Telefonaut and then just place it in a visible place at your wedding. Anyone who picks up the handset will first listen to your pre-recorded message and after the beep, it's their turn! So all day and evening you can let your guests woo you with wishes and messages - from the touching, to the hilarious, to the slightly crazy.
With the retro design of an old home phone with a rotary dial, Telefonaut will also make a beautiful visual element of your wedding. You can also choose from seven colour options.
"It will record both hilarious and touching voice messages from your wedding guests."

Photo: Telefonaut Archive

Photo: Telefonaut Archive