Lenka, we'd like to introduce you. Tell us about yourself.
I'm a normal woman who loves her family and likes to surround herself with nice things and nice people. And that's what weddings usually are. (laughs)
What's your signature?
I don't like rules. They tie my hands too much and restrict me. I like to be lively, let things loose, unrestrained. I like things that have order and a dose of punk at the same time.
Why weddings?
Because I like fairy tales with happy endings.
We want to know more. What kind of weddings are you into?
I really like intimate elopements, which are kind of my heartthrob. Weddings that are different, personal and unique appeal to me.
Favorite part of the wedding?
The ceremony - that's what it's all for! (laughs)
The season that inspires you the most?
Spring. Because I'm not allergic, I enjoy the smells of everything that's in bloom. I love to watch the trees start to bud and bloom and watch nature change before my eyes.
Favourite holiday destination?
Oh, holidays? I don't know! (Laughs) I haven't been on vacation since I started doing weddings.
Favourite book?
I can't get beyond children's books at the moment.
Favourite film?
Maybe I'm weird, but I don't have a favorite. I'm not a TV or movie geek. I like Czech classics.
What was your favourite childhood story?
The devil is no joke. And the older I get, the more I love it.
Favourite food?
Hell, I don't even have a favorite food! (laughs) I should probably think about myself. We don't eat meat, so "vegetables a hundred times different". I enjoy inventing and trying new flavours, I like to experiment in the kitchen. We tend to eat at home, so my creations don't have a name.
What do you enjoy? (guilty pleasure)
Ice. (laughs)
We're inviting you for a drink, what would you like?
I like to try something new that I don't know.
Mark what describes you.
This changes gradually as my child gets older. But I used to be more of a morning person.
Photo: Radek Šviderský | Text: Lenka Šviderská - Láskočas and Klára Šťastná