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Veronika, we'd like to introduce you. Tell us about yourself.  

My name is Veronika Kostkova and I've been fascinated by beauty since I was a little girl. I look for it in pictures of everyday life, in art, in nature and in unusual places I like to travel to. I then transform this beauty into my clothes.   

What is your signature?  

Very feminine. I don't create a costume or a dress that you change into to be someone else. I create dresses that capture the essence and nature of your personality.  

Why weddings?    

Because I can create a dress for a special, unrepeatable moment. A wedding dress is "that dress" that every woman will remember forever.  

We want to know more. Do you prefer to design collections or bespoke?  

Bridal collections give me freedom in my decisions and are my vision of the perfect dress. Bespoke dresses teach me to see them through the eyes of the client and to look at the wedding day through her eyes. Both make me equally happy and both of course have their pitfalls.   

What in particular do you like to design the most? 

Wedding dresses. :)  

What season inspires you the most?  

Something from every season. Spring because everything blooms, summer for its warm evenings and in winter I love sunsets that are a completely different colour than the summer ones.   

Favourite holiday destination?  

Anywhere where I know I'm going on holiday and I have the right people around me.   

Favourite book?  

Walk Through Walls (A Memoir) by Marina Abramović.  

Favourite film?  

I have a lot of movies that I like to go back to. Whether for the story itself, the atmosphere or the pretty pictures. Definitely among them are La grande bellezza, What's Eating Gilbert Grape or the classic Breakfast at Tiffany's. When I want to feel like all is right in the world, I put on A Good Year.   

What was your favourite childhood story?  

Disney's Snow White and Cinderella, The Beautiful Varvara and then the homemade Czechoslovakian The Prince and the Evening Star.  

Favourite food?  

This is the hardest question. I have food and coffee in my blood. I love discovering new flavours, especially when travelling, but I'm certainly not offended by a good sausage with mustard. (laughs)  

What are you into? (guilty pleasure)   

At the moment, the music of "my youth". Pop icons of the 80s and early 90s - Madonna, George Michael, David Bowie - and the movies from that period as well. And I'm also watching the Gilmore Girls series in the studio right now.  

You're invited for a drink, what do you want?  

Good prosecco can never be bad. (laughs)  

Mark what describes you   


Lots of coffee! (laughs)   

DOG - CAT    

Mine, white, what a different one. (laughs)    




Photo: Veronika Kostková Archive | Text: Veronika Kostková and Klára Šťastná



