Martina, we want to introduce you. Tell us about yourself.
If there was one thing I knew for sure, it was that I wanted to do something creative in my life. It started with a degree in fashion design, which has turned out to be a great advantage because I can now put those hours and hours of drawing and painting to use - I've just swapped the canvas for faces (laughs). It's been 10 years since I've been doing a job I love and I'm so happy for it!
What is your handwriting like?
Light, highlighted makeups that accentuate natural beauty, complemented by airy hairstyles.
Why weddings?
Every bride treats her wedding day as one of the most beautiful days of her life and I get to be a part of that! I love the positive vibe that the day is filled with. I have learned to completely let go of the stress and hustle and bustle that goes on around me and escalates as the ceremony approaches. It's beautiful to see the bride put on her wedding dress, put on her earrings, pick up her bouquet and all the pieces of the puzzle fit together so perfectly.
We want to know more . What's your favourite brand or product?
Charlotte Tilbury.
What's your makeup style?
The season that inspires you the most?
Favourite holiday destination?
Favorite book?
Hannah by Alena Mornstein.
Favorite movie?
The Holiday.
Favourite childhood story?
Three Nuts for Cinderella.
Favorite food?
Penne all'amatriciana.
What do you enjoy? (guilty pleasure)
Songs from the '80s.
We're inviting you for a drink, what are you having?
Gin & Tonic!

Mark what describes you.