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Markéta, we want to introduce you. Tell us about yourself.  

I'm a wife, a mom, a wife, a friend... and a photographer....    
I believe in love for life. I have a wonderful husband of over 20 years and our three now quite grown children. I love sitting by the fire, sleeping outdoors, having friends around. If I wasn't taking pictures, hard to imagine though, I'd be fixing up old homes. I believe in a God who is in all things and who is love.    
What is your handwriting?  
I don't interfere much. I myself wouldn't want someone to disturb such an incredibly big and intimate thing as a wedding by telling me what to do and how to do it. So I guess I'm more of a "listen" person. Like, with my eyes. And taking notes.  
People are too beautiful for me to make them better. And even things that run deserve to be recorded as they are... Actually, the only time I have a little say (or rather suggest) is when I see interesting light, so maybe I try to use that for photos.

Why weddings?    
I've been painting since I was a kid. And I've always painted faces. The girls painted horses, I painted faces. I've been in Africa with some friends now, and I've got some of those zebras and stuff. But mostly I got the people there, the local people and our group. My friend's just got animals... It's just that everybody's attracted to something different. I like the faces and the emotions they show.    
And I've always liked being around people. I used to run to my mom's kids from preschool when I wasn't there yet. So I guess that's a good combination for being a wedding photographer (laughs). But nowadays I also like solitude and silence. Working among people or silence, each recharges me a little differently. Well, I also believe in the marriage thing (laughs) I guess.   
We want to know more. What do you shoot with?   
I'm shooting Nikon now, SLRs. But it's slowly breaking down, I'm going to have to renew the equipment, so I guess I'll be switching to mirrorless in the near future. I'm still resisting a little bit, I like a little bit of imperfection and the photos I've taken of them probably don't have any technical imperfections anymore (laughs).  
What are your favourite things to photograph?   
The season that inspires you the most?  
Late spring, Indian summer.   
Favourite holiday destination?  
Nordic countries.   
Favourite book?  
East of Eden. Steinbeck.  
Favourite film?  
The Island by Pavel Lungin   
Favorite childhood fairy tale?   
Ronja, the Robber's Daughter. Lindgren.  
Favourite food?  
What do you enjoy? (guilty pleasure)   
Evenings and mornings outdoors. And then Netflix.  
We're inviting you for a drink, what are you having?   
A piña colada.  
Identify what describes you.   
DOG -- CAT   
Both. More often a serial, because it's watchable for two.   

 Photo: Markéta Zelenková 



