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Dalibora, we'd like to introduce you. Tell us about yourself.  

I was born in Rijeka, Croatia, where I still live. But I spent a large part of my childhood in Olomouc with my grandparents. They had a big influence on who I am today. I grew up in two countries and was influenced by two cultures. I would say that this gave me a little bit of a broader sense of what I wanted out of life from a young age. It's no wonder that travel has become an important part of my life, and that I love to be inspired by life and people. Photography has fitted in beautifully over time with this philosophy, even though I studied law first and went through quite a journey of self-discovery. Then I realized that it's ok to be yourself, to follow your own inner voice and find your own path, even if it may not be in line with the expectations of those around you.  

What is your handwriting?  

Emotions. Empathy. Authenticity. I don't want to put on airs or play at anything. I want my photography to show the beauty of life, the beauty of the moment. The older I get, the more I understand that life will never be perfect. That life is really just a brief moment we are given and we should ... LIVE it. I want to leave people with a memory of something they felt when they were happy. When they were happy. Something that will always remind them of that feeling, even when times get tough. 

Why weddings?  

You know how they say you don't choose the dog, the dog chooses the man? I guess that's what happened with me and weddings, they chose me. It was just that I'd been taking pictures as an amateur for a long time. Just for fun. I had no intention of shooting for a living. At that time (I'm talking about 2009) nobody was shooting weddings in a very original way. It was classic. Posing without soul, same places but different people. Terrible artificiality. A friend asked me if I would shoot her wedding, and I turned her down. "I'm not a pro, it's a big responsibility!" So she took some local photo studio. When I looked at the pictures afterwards, I almost cried. I knew I could have handled it a little more personally. I was actually really disappointed. Because photography was already a way for me to express myself. A beautiful way to show life and love. And yet weddings were so artificial back then. And that was probably the main reason I went into it. To show that it's about people and emotions, that every couple is unique, that we all have a story. I'm so happy that in the last 10 years a lot of things have changed in weddings and wedding photography. That people have finally understood that nothing has to happen. That it can all be their way.  

We want to know more. What do you shoot with? 

I shoot with a Canon. I'm still on a DSLR, I'm using a 5D MKIII, but I'm already slowly planning my transition to mirrorless. 

What do you like to shoot?  

When I was 25, my answer to this question would have been clearly "nature". Today it's "People. Feeling. Emotion. The moment."  

The season that inspires you the most?  


Favorite vacation destination?  

I don't have just one. I love to travel. Probably my favourite places are Tuscany, Holland and Sweden.  

Favorite book?  

Lots of them. Anything by Simon Sinek or Joe Dispenza.  

Favourite film?  

Well, I definitely can't say just one because I'm a cinephile (laughs). Everything by Malick, Wes Anderson... I definitely enjoy movies like Before Sunrise, Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, Her, Lost in Translation, Donnie Darko, Requiem for a Dream, Tree of Life, Knight of Cups, Amélie, Mr. Nobody, Call me by Your Name...  

What was your favourite childhood story?  

If it can be animated, it's definitely Hansel and Gretel and Tales of Moss and Ferns.  

Favourite food?  

Everything Vietnamese and Thai.  

What's your favorite? (guilty pleasure)  

Repeats of Friends or Sex and the City.  

We're inviting you for a drink. What are you having?  

Mostly beer.  

Identify what describes you.  


DOG -- CAT  

I have both. I was more of a cat person, but then the dog found me. So now I have to say it's half and half. (laughs)    






 Photo: Dalibora Bijelić I Text: Dalibora Bijelić a Klára Šťastná



