There are many symbolic links between porcelain and weddings: porcelain shards are supposed to bring good luck, while the strength of white porcelain despite its seeming fragility is a symbol of pure and strong relationships. The dress specially created for this anniversary edition of Mile by designer Tereza Turková, founder of brand Thera Women, is replete with this symbolism. The outfit consists of five sections that can be combined in various ways. “The way I see it, the properties of porcelain are a contradictory expression of the whole. For the initial shape of the cut of the dress, I chose a circle, the universal symbol of unity. This shape permeates all the individual parts of the garment, in some more obviously than in others. Just as we can change the parts of the outfit, we can also change how we want to feel in the outfit and how to express ourselves best at any given time,” the designer says.